1. The college givesutmost priority for discipline and every one, student or staff, is bound tofollow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.
2. Under disciplinaryaction, the principal is empowered to fine, suspend or even expel a studentfrom the college in the interests of the institution.
3. Students are notpermitted to possess or use Mobile Phones inside the college campus.
4. BROWSING IS NOT ALLOWEDDURING LAB HOURS. Staff and students are not allowed to misuse the internetfacilities.
5. No one will be allowedto listen to Music from any device inside the college campus.
6. Every Student shallconduct himself / herself in such a way to cause no disturbance to the workingof the classes or to fellow students.
8. No function shall bearranged by the students in the hostel or college campus without priorpermission from the principal.
9. Students are notallowed to exchange greeting cards, photographs, gift articles or letters, withStudents of opposite sex.
10. Writing on walls,pillars, bath rooms, furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited.
11. Eating snacks / takinglunch inside the class rooms or along corridors are not permitted.
12. The cost of anydamage, if caused to college property will be charged to the accounts of thestudents responsible for the damage in addition to disciplinary action.
13. Students are advisedto switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
14. Furniture in the classrooms should not be moved or displaced.
15. Students are notallowed to attend classes or any college function wearing shorts, dhotis, jeansor T-Shirts.
16. No one will be allowedto whistle, hoot, shout or sing aloud while travelling in the bus. They arealso not allowed to throw papers or other articles while travelling.
17. No students shallremain in the hostel during class – hours unless he / she is sick and ispermitted to be on leave.
18. Students have to takewithout fail all the necessary items such as hall ticket, admit card, pen,pencil, calculator, Scale, rubber, etc., to the test / exam hall.
19. Students will have tosit through the entire period scheduled for the internal tests and universityexaminations.
20. In the event ofcontinued poor performance in internal tests and poor class attendance by anystudent, the principal has the authority to withhold permission for him/her towrite the university examinations.